Tag Archives: beef

Cows Are The New Wine Snobs

Canadian cattle growers  in British Columbia’s Okanagan wine and cattle region have taken food and wine matching to a completely new level by feeding Angus cattle red wine with their grain.

Whilst Canadian food inspectors have their doubts about the safety of the product the growers have not been shut down and are receiving praise for the quality of the meat.I personally think this is awesome. Imagine the complexity of your meal when the 400gm Angus Sirloin you’re enjoying for dinner has red wine characteristics within the marbling.

According to the article I found  (Read it here)”The idea is the brainchild of Janice Ravndahl of Kelowna, British Columbia’s  Sezmu Meats. Ravndahl said the beef produced has an enhanced flavor, the marbling is finer and the fat tastes like candy”.

That brings a whole new meaning to ‘fat equals flavour’!!

It does also make you think of drunk cows, though this in itself is pretty funny but then at the same time it makes you think about how creative we are becoming when it comes to what we eat and how we grow our food. Being adventurous is a great thing and yes it doesn’t always work out but in this case it can’t hurt the cows can it? I would think not, as humans we ingest copious amounts of red wine during our lives and it does us little harm ( when taken in moderation of course) there are even studies out there that say it’s good for you.

I leave you with the picture of a group of cows standing around in their lovely field mooing over the quality of the vintage of wine in their feed! I would love to see the evolution of this. Is it possible for  a cow to have a discerning palate?

I guess we will have to  ask the beer swilling pig.


All Content © 2010 Mistress of the Vine


Filed under environment, Food, Literature, Wine, wine and food, Wine News, Wine Tasting

Best Ever Beef Stew

After writing my last post, my mind has been on food all day! Actually no, its been on food and wine matching. Last night I made the “Best Ever Beef Stew” and I keep wondering if it is wrong to cook the same dish for dinner two days in a row?

So if I was to make this delicious stew again what would I drink with it? The obvious answer is red wine. But I yearn for something more – something weird and astounding. A wine and food match as incredible as Duck and Pinot….. but Stew and Shiraz just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Stew and Gewürztraminer? No that would be weird  but maybe it could be good.  The slight spiciness of the Gewutz and oiliness on the pallete with the richness and rosemary herbaceousness of the stew… could it work?  I doubt it but I guess I will have to try it to be sure.

What other wine could have the strength and boldness to accompany a dish this good? Perhaps  Nero D’Avola from Sicily? The more I think of it, it could be the match that will from this day forward epitomise “made in heaven”…..

I guess I will just have try  it. So that’s it, tonight I will enjoy an entree of Taramasalata and Zinfandel, then I will get my greedy hat on and tuck into a main course of Best Ever Beef  Stew and Nero D’Avola.  Hopefully from this day forward the “classic ” wine and food match will be Nero and Stew!!

MOV xx

All Content © 2010 Mistress of the Vine

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Filed under Food, wine and food